*please VOTE on NOVember 5TH!

Defending your constitutional rights, and protecting the trust

About Me

I am passionate about telling the truth, working for the people, fighting for our freedoms and the rights of my family and community in the Live Free or Die state. When the unconstitutional shutdown occurred in 2020, it became more than my full-time job. At that time, I then immersed myself in the legislative process, drawing on my experience and knowledge, and studied the New Hampshire Constitution. I decided to run in 2022 to use my activist influence to impact the “inside.” I was fortunate enough to be elected by the wonderful people in Rochester. I am returning to it for another round with the unwavering support of family, friends, and legislators.

The last two years have been more than eye-opening. Still, I decided with my family, fellow legislators, and most importantly, my bosses (the people) that there was too much unfinished business not to run for re-election and try to get more sound legislation all the way through. We have loads of problems to fix in New Hampshire, and we need to do everything possible to protect our beautiful state from the many lousy government actors who are not doing their job or have sold out to the highest bidder. I will continue to work hard to help protect and save New Hampshire.

Issues Important to Kelley

Protecting the Environment

During my last two years in the state house, I worked tirelessly on many environmental issues. I was fortunate to be placed on the Environment and Agriculture Committee, and we had a wonderful group of bi-partisan legislators working with the people on multitudes of issues to protect the health, well-being, and future of New Hampshire citizens and the environment. I supported and sponsored bills from the beginning to the end on protecting our drinking water, following our solid waste laws and goals, keeping our lakes and rivers pollution-free, championing legislation for clean air and rich soil by trying to ban harmful geoengineering, safeguarding our natural resources (the real New Hampshire advantage), shielding our agricultural landscape from harm, and much more. We must protect all the incredible resources and what makes NH great from some of the greatest threats we have ever seen, like the horrific offshore wind experiment, solar farms ruining green fields and forests, pollution from poor leachate management, irresponsible solid waste facilities that are breaking their contracts, and corporate and industrial pollution. The urgency of these threats cannot be overstated. We need to act now to hold corporate polluters accountable for coming into our state and setting up shop, making a profit, and polluting whole regions of New Hampshire.

Limited Government

Based on what NH and our country have endured since 2020, limiting government power, as outlined in our Constitutions, is beyond crucial. The government has no power other than that granted to it by the Constitution(s) and the people of NH. We must strengthen our house and stand firm to protect people.’s rights.

Ending Lobbyist Control

Taxpayer-funded lobbying must end because it misuses public funds, lacks transparency, creates conflicts of interest, and distorts honest processes. Ending this would promote fiscal responsibility and ensure that public funds benefit taxpayers, not advance government entities’ agendas and line private pockets that rig the system.

Trust & Transparency

We are at a crossroads in Concord because our government (and agencies) have lost legitimacy and effectiveness, leading to widespread public discontent, broken laws, and weakening our institutions. I will fight to foster an open and trustworthy state house, which is crucial for NH’s progress and well-being.

Constitutional Rights

A few greats in NH say, “If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any!” Whether it be 2A, freedom of religion, speech, etc., we need to memorize our rights to be able to defend them. Currently, our NH government, many departments, and branches have become too powerful.

Parental Rights

Children should be raised and represented by parents who love them, NOT by disconnected government officials. NH has multiple public entities, such as schools, DCYF, and DHHS, trampling on the rights of parents and destroying and dividing our families. We need to protect families!

Economic Prosperity

The stress of living paycheck to paycheck is a reality for many NH families. We cannot burden hard-working NH families with taxes, government regulations, and more controls. I will protect the NH advantage from bureaucracy and hidden taxes that hurt us all.

Education Freedom

Every child deserves access to the education that’s right for them. All parents should be able to choose from diverse, high-quality options regardless of income. Our money has to follow the students and reward teachers. Parents/educators’ sole focus should be providing all the best possible educational options.

Health Freedom

There is no more fundamental right than choosing what is permitted into our bodies. No mandates. No forced medicine. No forced injections. We are 100% responsible for how we choose to live and care for ourselves. Practicing ethical medicine requires prior, voluntary, informed consent.

Election Integrity

The right to vote in free and fair elections is the most basic civil right on which many of the American people’s other rights depend. We have significant gaps in our absentee voting laws; I will continue to inform, support, and help safeguard our vote so that eventually, only qualified
and domiciled NH citizens

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