VOTE November 8TH!

Defending life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

About Me

I am passionate about fighting for our freedoms and the rights of my family and community in the Live Free or Die state. When the unconstitutional shutdown occurred, it became more than my full-time job.

I learned the legislative process by immersing myself in it and have studied the New Hampshire Constitution for 3 years. I decided several months ago that I wanted to use my influence to impact the “inside.” We have a multitude of problems to fix in this country, and we need to do everything possible to protect our beautiful state from the encroachment of the federal government. I will work hard to help protect and save New Hampshire.

Issues Important to Kelley

Election Integrity

The right to vote in free and fair elections is the most basic civil right, one on which many of the other rights of the American people depend. In the state house, I will do everything possible to help safeguard our vote, ensuring only domiciled NH citizens can cast a ballot in our elections. We must secure the vote by implementing risk-limiting post-election audits before certifying any ward/town.

Limited Government

Based on what NH and our country have endured since 2020, limiting government power, as outlined in our Constitutions, is beyond crucial. The government does not have any power other than that which is granted to it by the Constitution(s) and the people of NH. We have a lot of work to do!

Education Freedom

Every child deserves access to the education that’s right for them. All parents should be able to choose from diverse, high-quality options regardless of income. Our money has to follow the student. Parents’ and educators’ sole focus should be providing the best possible educational options for all.

Parental Rights

Children should be raised and represented by parents who love them, NOT by disconnected government officials. NH has multiple public entities, such as schools, DCYF, and DHHS, trampling on the rights of parents and destroying and dividing our families. We need to protect families!

Constitutional Rights

A few greats in NH say, “If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any!” Whether it be 2A, freedom of religion, speech, etc., we need to memorize our rights to be able to defend them. Currently, our NH government, many departments, and branches have become too powerful.

Economic Prosperity

The stress of living paycheck to paycheck is a reality for many NH families. We cannot burden hard-working NH families with taxes, government regulations, and more controls. I will protect the NH advantage from bureaucracy and hidden taxes that hurt us all.

Health Freedom

There is no more fundamental right than choosing what is permitted into our bodies. No mandates. No forced medicine. No forced injections. We are 100% responsible for how we choose to live and care for ourselves. Practicing ethical medicine requires prior, voluntary, informed consent.

Kelley needs your help!

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